GOVEROTRAGEOUS: “Medicaid dollars have indirectly financed lobbying for more Medicaid dollars.”

Opinion editorial
Hamas hijacks British democracy, 1199SEIU’s money grab and other commentary
By Post Editorial Board 
Published Feb. 25, 2024, 4:24 p.m. ET

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Eye on Albany: 1199SEIU’s Money Grab

A review of health-care union 1199SEIU’s disclosures this last decade reveals that “a quarter-billion dollars in Medicaid funds earmarked to improve nursing home care have instead flowed to a pair of benefit funds providing health coverage for 1199 members,” grumbles the Empire Center’s Bill Hammond. And some of that cash was diverted to a union project “sponsoring a multi-million-dollar TV ad campaign in support of higher Medicaid funding for hospitals.” That is: “Medicaid dollars have indirectly financed lobbying for more Medicaid dollars.” Meanwhile, the union’s National Benefit Fund, which had “a pattern of negative cash flow” from 2018 to 2020, restored “fiscal balance by increasing the contribution rates from its member employers — and by securing continued subsidies from the state.”

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And, that is essentially the problem with Gooferment programs and Gooferment unions.

Of course, the “unions” provide “campaign” contributions and labor, so no conflict of interest there.

Can we say “self-licking ice cream cone”!

