DISCOURAGING: A “demographic transformation” is occuring in the USA too thanks to Democrats welcoming illegal immigration


The Struggle for Ireland
Gregory Hood, American Renaissance, December 1, 2023

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Polls show that most Irish are opposed to the demographic transformation, but this is utterly unrepresented in government. What kind of government muzzles its people, ignores their policy preferences, and replaces them? An illegitimate government of occupation. Getting rid of it was the purpose of the Irish struggle for independence. Will the Irish have to do it all over again?

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Let’s not forget that Obama resettled Muslims into Michigan and the Mid-West.  Now the D”s are losing those State because of their support for Israel.  Their hubris is now paying them back.

Crime and drugs are pouring over the southern border.  And, to a lesser extent the northern one too.

Sounds like we are losing the nation over this “transformation”.

Will anyone wake up and stop it?


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