RANT: Finally somebody is DOING something and it’s not taking forever and costing billions


‘We can’t wait any longer!’: Arizona Governor Doug Ducey starts building $6m makeshift border wall using barb-wire topped shipping containers that will be completed by NEXT WEEK

  • Arizona spans more than 370 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border, and has seen 430,342 migrants detained so far this year in their two sectors
  • The Yuma sector of the border is the third-busiest for migrant crossings: only Rio Grande Valley and Del Rio, both in Texas, have seen more arrivals 
  • On Friday, the Republican governor of Arizona, Doug Ducey, who is running for re-election in November, announced he was building a makeshift border wall
  • Ducey said that his state had run out of patience with Washington DC and was taking matters into their own hands, with a wall of 60 shipping containers

By Harriet Alexander For Dailymail.com and Associated Press
Published: 01:10 EDT, 13 August 2022 | Updated: 06:49 EDT, 13 August 2022

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Arizona began moving in shipping containers to close a 1,000-foot gap in the border wall near the southern Arizona farming community of Yuma on Friday, with officials saying they were acting to stop migrants after repeated, unfulfilled promises from the Biden administration to block off the area.

‘Arizona has had enough,’ tweeted Doug Ducey, the Republican governor of the state, who is up for re-election in November.

‘We can’t wait any longer. The Biden administration’s lack of urgency on border security is a dereliction of duty.’

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I feel for two groups of people.  OK maybe three.  First, the poor people of the USA who are competing for job with illegal aliens and suffering from the crime wave that comes with them Second, the poor people of the world trying to come to the USA illegally and are risking their live and paying the Cartels a small fortune to be smuggled in.  Third, and finally, “We, The Sheeple” who are paying for the politicians and bureaucrats to grandstand and all the social costs of illegal aliens.



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