NEWJERSEY: Murray Sabrin for Senate


10 Reasons to Support Murray Sabrin for Senate
1. Dr. Sabrin wants tax credits for charities. Unlike the federal government, charities are more effective at helping those less fortunate in our communities. 

2. Dr. Sabrin has an incredible personal story. He is an immigrant and the son of Holocaust survivors. His father was a WWII hero, a battalion commander in Poland fighting the Nazis for five years.

3. Dr. Sabrin opposes all corporate bailouts. Cronyism isn’t part of the free market; we need an economy that works for everyone not just the insiders on Wall Street. He is the only candidate who wants to audit the Federal Reserve.

4. Dr. Sabrin is the only candidate who wants to restore the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Have the other candidates even read the Constitution?

5. Dr. Sabrin is not a politician. Dr. Sabrin is a professor of finance at Ramapo College and has dedicated his life to education.

6. The federal government is now over $21 trillion in debt. Dr. Sabrin wants to end the welfare-warfare state, balance the budget and cut federal spending so we can cut taxes responsibly,

7. Dr. Sabrin cares about the environment. History shows countries with the largest, most unlimited governments like Russia and China also have the most pollution because they don’t protect private property.

8. Murray has been calling for the end of cannabis prohibition for more than 20 years. He wants to finally stop wasting money on putting non-violent offenders in prison.

9. Both Democrats and Republicans have governed America for the past 160 years. We need new thinking in the U.S. Senate – not “group think” that has created the problems we are facing today.

10. Exit polling data proves Libertarians attract as many disenfranchised Democrats as they do Republicans. Libertarians want freedom for all people, not just the politically well connected, and Dr. Sabrin supports policies that protect all human life. 

# – # – # – # – # 2018-Sep-21 @ 13:31

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