GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Why An LA Musician Was Kept From Building Tiny Homes For The Homeless

Homelessness in Los Angeles County has been on the rise for a decade. Despite the slight decrease in 2018, the city estimates that since 2010, the number of homeless people in the region increased 52 percent.

Source: Why An LA Musician Was Kept From Building Tiny Homes For The Homeless

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The Gooferment can’t solve ANY problem.

In this PARTICULAR case, the Gooferment CREATES the problem with zoning, taxes, regulation, and other diktats.

Just ignore the fact that the mental institutions were closed to ‘mainstream” the mentally ill with “local neighborhood support” that was never provided because it was too expensive and NIMBY!

Then when property and rent skyrocket, the Gooferment blames the “free market”.

When individuals step up to solve problems, the Gooferment steps in to prevent it.

After all what would the politicians and bureaucrats do without the “homeless problem” to solve.


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