SOFTWARE: BLUEGRIFFON chokes on an errant copy and paste


In doing my weekly Jasper Jottings, I was delayed by a data formatting error.

Apparently, when I posted an article in the daily blog, using MARSEDIT, some how the article was posted as the title.

I didn’t realize it and did a copy and paste from MARSEDIT into BLUEGRIFFON.

That cause BLUEGRIFFON to make the page width six times larger than it needed to be.

Took a break.

When I came back to it, I did CNTL Z’s until BLUEGRIFFON restored the page size.

Then the hunt for what was causing the problem.

Repeated the cut’n’paste into SIMULTRON5 text editor. Couldn’t see anything. Back into BLUEGRIFFON same result.

Deleted all the blank lines and made sure that each line had an EOL on it.

Cut’n’paste back to BLUEGRIFFON; same result.

Then I cut’n’pasted the first line to BLUEGRIFFON; same result.

Then I cut’n’pasted just the text part of the first line to BLUEGRIFFON; that worked correctly.

Resumed and everything was now right with the world.


Still don’t really understand what happened.

The issue went out about 8 hours late.


# – # – # – # – #  2014-Mar-09 @ 14:36  

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