RANT: No cuts without blood on the payroll


Wednesday, February 03, 2010
Colorado Springs and the future of American government
Hank Kalet

*** begin quote ***

And it is here and has been for quite a while. And yet, everytime we talk about making tough decisions, we flinch. We think we can balance our books by eliminating waste and corruption, as if waste and corruption make up more than just a tiny fraction of our structural deficit. We have no interest in making real sacrifices — though we are willing to have others sacrifice on our behalf (the suburbs want spending on the cities cut, for instance, while many seniors are willing to skimp on school spending and so on).

*** end quote ***

Please don’t fall for the sucker punch. The FIRST thing that entrenched politicians and bureaucrats do is cut services to the people. It is a sham. A pretense. A fraud. Did they cut the internal costs? How many honchos and hangers on did they nuke.

When I worked on (Wall) Street, I had to cut my budget 50%. Part of my submission was to cut my service to my internal customers. My boss called me on the carpet to explain to me that I must have been “smoking funny cigarettes”. I was to keep my service at its then exceptional level and still cut my budget by half. Ominously, he told me “to wise up” otherwise he’d do it without me. With sweat running down my leg, I went back to my office and “figured it out”. We had to redesign every business process we used, but I “figured it out”!

Soooo, let’s hold these bozo’s feet to the fire. Same rules: keep services at current level and still cut the budget as needed. If you can’t do it, resign!

Like my comment about the bailouts to Wall Street, if there was no bail out, the bozos on Wall Street would have (as if by magic) would have figured out how to save their skins.

No bailout was needed.

Similarly, no cuts to customer-facing services UNTIL we have resignations accepted!

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