JOBSEARCH: Resiliency and Learned Helplessness

Boosting Your Resiliency-Part 2: Avoiding Learned Helplessness and Changing Your Explanatory Style
by Brett & Kate McKay on February 3, 2010

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Len gets fired from his job:

   * If Len tends to a Me, Always, Everything thinking style then he might explain this event by saying, “I’m such an incompetent accountant. I was always out of my league at the office (Me). I’ll never be able to find another good job. (Always). My wife is probably going to leave me now. Man, my life is so screwed up. (Everything).”

   * Now if Len has a Not Me, Not Always, Not Everything explanatory style, then he might explain this event by saying, “I got fired because there just isn’t very much work for me to do anymore, and the company is trying to be more efficient. (Not Me). The economy is really making holding a job difficult. But things will eventually turn around. (Not Always). The job wasn’t a good fit for me anyway; I really wasn’t using my true talents. At least I have a good wife at home to help me through this (Not Everything).”

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That’s why I preach the Turkey’s Credo:

“It’s not you (job seeker). It’s not me (a fellow seeker). It’s them (bastards)!”

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