POLITICAL: State theft for “eddykation”


Friday, November 06, 2009

Let’s pay more taxes to punish the rich!

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This morning’s Irish Times reports that taxpayers forked out €100m to “support” private fee-paying schools. Sounds like a scandal in these economically straitened times. Yet …

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I’d suggest that the problem is that the taxpayer is being forced to fund yet another activity. Education is the parent’s responsibility. Not the taxpayers’. We taxpayers don’t get the decision to have the children so why are we forced to pay to educate them. Education should be a valuable service that parents should be willing to pay for. Then teachers could earn what they are worth. If we are concerned about “bad parents”, that’s a different issue. Here in New Jersey, old folks are being forced to leave the State due to high taxes. It’s just not “fair”. Argh! We need a new model based of freedom and liberty.

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