RANT: Killing our troops in a failed policy


Is McChrystal Reading LewRockwell.com?
by Karen Kwiatkowski

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Not likely.

But I was heartened to see that when we abandoned the military outpost in Kamdesh, Afghanistan, we destroyed the base, lighting afterburners, the smoldering waste of one more failed experiment in colonialism in our rear-view mirrors.

We departed this small base days after one of the deadliest Taliban strikes against our occupation forces there. Officially, our departure had been planned for months. Any bets that the leadership will take a hit for that bit of poor planning?

Not likely.

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The People have to end this nonsense.

Afghanistan has been the deathbed of empires for eons.

We can safely withdraw if we do two things: (1) pull back all our troops from around the globe; and (2) end the war on drugs. Then the Afghan farmers can grow all the opium they want. AND, all the countries, who’ve been living under our protection, can pay for their own defense.

Not likely!

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