GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Robbing old people

State of Texas Forces Couple Into Nursing Home, Takes Over Their Finances
Radley Balko
September 11, 2009, 3:36pm

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The state refuses to give the Kidds an accounting of how it is spending their money, the reason apparently being that because they were deemed mentally deficient, they lack standing to even ask for financial records. The couple was given a court-appointed attorney (paid for from the Kidds’ savings), but he looks to have worked all of 10 hours on their case. According to neighbors, the state has since allowed the Kidds’ home deteriorate, and didn’t even bother to lock the doors after taking the couple into custody. The local Fox affiliate reported at the end of last month that state officials were also planning to sell the couple’s home at auction. Media coverage seems to have pressured a local judge to put off the sale, at least for now.

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Everyone have their paperwork in order? It’s easy to rob old people.



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