INTERESTING: Life isn’t fair

Life isn’t fair, or, why people who are irritable get more irritable, and people who are cheery get more cheery.

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I love finding a precise term for things I’ve observed in the word. It’s so satisfying to discover concepts like Schadenfreude, or “acting in reliance,” or wabi-sabi. One of my favorite parts of writing my book Power Money Fame Sex: A User’s Guide was making up new terms: platinum rule, eye stray, object lust, ubiniquity.

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‘pleasure taken from someone else’s misfortune’

an economic harm for acting in reliance on a party who failed to fulfill their obligation.

beauty that is “imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete”

Platinum Rule as “Never ever, ever, ever ‘love’ thy neighbor.” His point was that one should never date someone seen on a regular basis, e.g. someone at the same workplace, a next door neighbor, etc. because such relationships never work out in the end and lead to never-ending suffering, as those involved would see each other constantly.

“eye stray”?
Girl watching while with your significant other?

“object lust”?


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