LIBERTY: no service or product should be provided at the barrel of a gun

The Government Hoax
Written by Marc Stevens
Tuesday, 21 November 2006

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The government hoax is probably the oldest, most pervasive and stubborn of hoaxes. It’s the belief in non-existent “states” and “nations” and that “government” is both legitimate and necessary. In the geographic area of the North American continent commonly referred to as the “United States,” it’s claimed only “government” can provide the service of protecting “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” This is nonsense if only for the reason “government” has no duty to protect anyone and their property.

Another reason is: no service or product should be provided at the barrel of a gun. It’s that simple. There are no exceptions unless one believes people have no rights. If one believes people have no rights then “government” is not “necessary” to “protect” what doesn’t exist. If you believe people have rights, then you don’t “protect” them without their freely given consent. Also, protection is not submission to the violent unaccountable control of another nor is violent domination a legitimate method of doing business. Would you hire people who don’t acknowledge you have property, to protect your property? I wouldn’t:

“The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called “ownership” is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to mere user; and that use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State.” Senate Resolution #62, April 1933.

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Gooferment is the meme (i.e., an idea is like a gene; mental model; belief) that can kill you, enslave you, or just make you miserable. Even if you don’t realize it.

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