RANT: Dr Carlyon said: “It is clear that a termination can have a profound effect on a woman’s life.” How profound!?!


Artist hanged herself after aborting her twins
Last Updated: 12:23pm GMT 24/02/2008
An artist killed herself after aborting her twins when she was eight weeks pregnant, leaving a note saying: “I should never have had an abortion. I see now I would have been a good mum.”

*** begin quote ***

Emma Beck was found hanging at her home in Helston, Cornwall, on Feb 1 2007. She was declared dead early the following day – her 31st birthday.

Her suicide note read: “I told everyone I didn’t want to do it, even at the hospital. I was frightened, now it is too late. I died when my babies died. I want to be with my babies: they need me, no-one else does.”

The inquest at Truro City Hall heard that Miss Beck had split up with her boyfriend, referred to as “Ben” after he “reacted badly” to the pregnancy.

<<<Problem#1 — Sex without love? Bad choice.>>>

She saw her GP before the termination, but missed an appointment at a hospital in Penzance. She then cancelled, but later turned up to an appointment at a clinic at Royal Cornwall Hospital in Treliske. The counsellor was on holiday so a doctor referred Miss Beck to a pregnancy counselling telephone service eight days before carrying out the abortion when she was eight weeks pregnant, the inquest heard.

<<<Problem#2 — gooferment healthcare!>>>

The coroner, Dr Emma Carlyon, ordered that the identities of the doctor who performed the abortion and her lead consultant be kept secret.

<<<Problem#3 — Why? Are they afraid of being publicly excoriated for their “service” to this poor woman?>>>

The inquest heard that Sylvia Beck, the victim’s mother, wrote to the hospital after her daughter’s death, saying: “I want to know why she was not given the opportunity to see a counsellor.

<<<Problem#4 — “Mother” depends upon the gooferment to do her job!>>>

“She was only going ahead with the abortion because her boyfriend did not want the twins.

“I believe this is what led Emma to take her own life – she could not live with what she had done.”

The doctor said: “I discussed Emma’s situation with her, and wrote on the form, ‘Unsupported, lives alone, ex-partner aware’.

<<<Problem#5 — Hey Doc, maybe you needed to do more than “write on a form”!!>>>

“It is normal practice to give a woman the number for telephone counselling when a counsellor is not available.

“I am satisfied that everything was done to make sure that Emma consented to the operation.

She added: “We have since appointed more counsellors so there is more holiday cover.”

<<<Problem#6 — Guess that solves the !DEAD! woman’s problem?>>>

Katie Gibbs, Miss Beck’s GP, told the hearing: “She was extremely distressed by the abortion procedure, and I didn’t think she ever came to terms with it.

“She had a long history of anxiety and depression. Despite my best efforts, she was not willing to see a counsellor after the termination.”

Her boss at the clinic, said: “The time that can be given to a woman by a counsellor is limited in a busy hospital.

“I am satisfied everything was done to make sure Emma was consenting to surgery. I don’t feel there was any gap in the counselling service.

“There were lots of individuals who would be alert to any doubts. The comments made by Emma’s mother are not about a doctor I recognise.”

<<<Problem#7 — Bureaucrat satisfied; woman and children DEAD! Gooferment killed them!>>>

Mrs Beck told the court: “Emma was considered a talented artist, and sold a number of paintings.

“She was pleased when she became pregnant, but Ben reacted badly to the news.”

Recording a verdict of suicide, Dr Carlyon said: “It is clear that a termination can have a profound effect on a woman’s life.

<<<Problem#8 — clueless doctor who can’t see the problem, chooses not to, OR doesn’t want to lose his cushy gig!>>>

“But I am reassured by the evidence of the doctors here.”

<<<Problem#9 — wrong label; should have been “heartless bureaucracy that kills poor women without a feedback loop to their paycheck”!>>>

*** end quote ***

It’s usually bad form to intersperse comments. Sort of like interrupting a story being told. But, in this case, I was really torqued.

How can anyone advocate for the current system of SOCIALISM in the health care system?

I can NOT say for certainty that in a Free Market the result would be different. The poor woman had a history of making “bad choices”. But, let’s postulate that this was happening in a FREE LIBERTARIAN SOCIETY!

First, there would be no “dole”. And, people like the Dead Artist, her sperm donor, and her mom would have the heads in the right place. Or at least a better place! You know “I am responsible for me”, “My family is my support system”, and “I pay my own way”. Perhaps “sperm donor” could keep it zipped if he was going to “react badly” to a pregnancy?

Second, when the Dead Artist had a “problem”, she would pay for such services as she needed. (He who has the gold makes the rules!) And there would have been Doctors, Counselors, and People to help her. (While they may have been motivated by money, since she was paying, she could know for sure that her interests were aligning their interests. Greed is good. It’s makes people serve there fellow man!) Like McDonalds, there is always staffing to serve my needs. No “too bad, everyone’s on vacation!”. I mean “holiday”!

Third, even if she didn’t have money, there would be charity care. (Remember how hospitals always had a charity wing in the bad old days of freedom.) And, if you see any truly charitable organization — not these phony ones like United Way or the various “Big Charity life time employment for highly paid drones” type — think Salvation Army — such as those providing services to unwed mothers — she would have people helping her that truly cared about her. They will make mistakes, but they will be trying their level best to help. Think the Good Nuns in the wards of the old Catholic Charities Hospitals in NYC of yesteryear.

I’d have preferred her chances with FREEDOM rather than her fate at the hands of Socialists.

She’d probably agree now too.

Requiescat In Pacem, Dear Artist.

Here rests a Dead Artist.
Killed by the uncaring bureaucrats of the enslaving socialist state.
Warning to all.


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