RANT: what is happening to our money


howl | posted January 31, 2008 (web only)
The Ron Paul Economy
Nicholas von Hoffman

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He is the only candidate who brings up what is happening to our money, which is another way of saying that he is worried about why the cost of buying groceries is going through the roof. While the other presidential contenders are silent on the topic, Paul reminds us that “government officials consistently claimed that inflation is in check at barely 2 percent, but middle-class Americans know that their purchasing power–especially when it comes to housing, energy, medical care, and school tuition–is shrinking much faster than 2 percent each year.”

*** end quote ***

Seems obvious to me.

It’s not that the tangible things are getting worth more. It’s that the money is worth less. All due to the inflation tax that allows the gooferment to spend more and more.


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