GUNS: Guns don’t kill people–Governments do

Burned By Government
Musings on the Nature of Government #1
Mon, 11/12/2007 – 20:16

***Begin Quote***

Compare that to reality, in which there was a government for Pol Pot (and the other mass-murderers I mentioned above) the grab control of, and use to lend an aura of legitimacy to their killing.

Guns don’t kill people–Governments do.

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Gooferment is truly the meme that can kill us. And, it’s an illusion. A gang wrapped in an aura of legitimacy that pretends we are important. The Dead Old White Guys had that pegged. When you think about it, that gang puts “to protect and serve” on their “police” cars. But just who are they “protect and serve”-ing? Sure not us. As a matter of fact, another of their illusions, the gooferment courts have held there is no such duty. In “Warren v. District of Columbia”, the court stated it is a “fundamental principle of American law that a government and its agents are under no general duty to provide public services, such as police protection, to any individual citizen.”

OK, so now, are you at least unbrainwashed about the “government” meme?



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