JOBSEARCH: Does anyone have a job vacancy?


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Does anyone have a job vacancy?

I am really desperate for a job. I am 21 years old, I currently do swim teaching but im getting bored of the job. Does any1 have a business where they would like to employ me to work for them? Im very reliable. Or does anyone know of anywhere that is employing staff? Preferably Admin/Secreterial work


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Dearest Mandee,

>Does anyone have a job vacancy?

Sure, depending upon where you are, depending upon what value you can create, depending upon what you are motivated to do, and depending upon how hungry or headstrong you are, I looking in my crystal ball, can state unequivocally, that there is a perfect “job” for you nearby!

> I am really desperate for a job. I am 21 years old,

Doesn’t sound “desparate” to me. Not even deperate! Ahh to be twenty one again, sigh. What “job” would make you jump out of bed in the morning and run to get to work? (OK, maybe not jump and run, but arise with joy; walking briskly in with a skip in your step. To quote Whoopi Goldberg in Sister Act 2 “if u wake up in the morning and all u can think about is singing first then girl u suppose to be a singer.” Great advice!

> I currently do swim teaching but im getting bored of the job.

Well, I’d say that being bored is the Universe signaling you that you are not where you are supposed to be.

>Does any1 have a business where they would like to employ me to work for them?

Wrong question, imho. What do you propose to do for someone that they should pay you for? What is your Unique Value Proposition? What are those things that are unique to you that others value enough to strike a deal? Answer that and you are more than half-way to your “dream job”. So you have to do some “heavy lifting” now. Sit down in a quiet place and write out every single thing that you can do, want to do, have been asked to do, dreamt of doing, or your parents wished you’d do. What is your uniqueness.

>Im very reliable. Or does anyone know of anywhere that is employing staff?
>Preferably Admin/Secreterial work

Every major enterprise, probably except the car industry and the airlines, is looking for people willing to solve problems and exploit opportunities for them. To ask here on Yahoo Answers for “a job” is akin to “the drunk looking for his keys under the lamp post, even though that’s not where he lost them, because that’s where the light is.”

You haven’t mentioned geography (i.e., where do you want to work), compensation (i.e., of the value you generate how much do you want to retain), or form (i.e., employee, consultant, or contractor).


OK time for more “heavy lifting”.

Make a list of everyone you know. A real paper list. Name, address, phone number.

Then, GO and talk to each one about (1) what they did at your age; (2) any opportunities that they know; (3) ask their advice; (4) get — don’t leave until you do — the names of two people that they think you should talk to adding that to the bottom of your list.

Take detailed notes. Write a real USMAIL thank you note. (No joke; get in the habit early.)

Continue until the list is exhausted. (Yeah, I know it never ends. Now you are getting the picture. The search never ends especially when you get a job.)

You can stop when you have gathered enough information to answer all the questions above. ;-)

See your first real job is figuring out how the whole “job” process works and how you fit into it. You’re the CEO, CFO, and janitor for “You Incorporated — the Me, myself, and I division”. Now how are you going to make your payroll? Think like an owner of your own services business. That’s what we all really are.

Let us know how you make out.

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Easy after my last best answer.

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