LIBERTY: the Alliance for the Separation of School & State

The Alliance for the Separation of School & State

***Begin Quote***

We believe parents, and not the state, should be in charge of their children’s education. That control may take many forms and levels of involvement, but the state will never be part of the picture.

If this seems like an impossible idea, consider that 8 million children already learn free of state control. We’re not starting from scratch here. The snowball of educational independence is already rolling.

***End Quote***

Sounds like a good idea to me.

It’s not going to happen over night. I took decades to get into this mess. It’ll take decades to get out.

I think that the idea that I wrote up back in the Hands Across New Jersey tax revolt days is still the way to go. That was split the problem into: (1) Separate who does the educating. (2) How much money is stolen to pay for this. People need time to adapt.

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