INTERESTING: A correspondent asked me if something “helped”

A correspondent asked me if something “helped”

***Begin Quote***


Hmm, that metaphysical. I’ll have ponder, pout, portend, practice, and prattle on that one for a while.

Maybe I can CRUISE (C=Contemplate, R=Reeducate, U=Unincorporate, I=Inculcate, S=Subjugate, and E=Eddycate) using it.

I once had a boss who would go nuts with jargon, acronyms, and mnemonics. Using one was good for a 30 minute diatribe about how “formulaic thinking precluded original discoveries”.

Every time I read such I think of him.

I think, like most things, there’s truth and consequences in what he said.

Like that movie the “golden child”, “stay on the path” is countermanded by “knowing when to break the rules”.

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