LIBERTY: Another call for the separation of school and state!

A call for separation of school and state
The Boston Globe
Seeded on Sun Mar 4, 2007 11:14 AM EST
politics, constitution, libertarian, libertarians, government-schools

***Begin Quote***

Once Americans may have agreed on what children should be taught, but that day is long gone. On any number of fundamental issues, parents today are sharply divided, and there is no way a government-run, one-curriculum-fits-all education system can satisfy all sides. The only way to end the political battles over schooling is to depoliticize the schools. And the only way to do that is to separate school and state.

***End Quote***

Clearly, the gooferment is pursuing its own agenda. Or, that of the 1920’s socialists who wanted a nation of good soldiers / compliant factory workers.

If the state skool can indoctrinate children with what ever the State feels is appropriate, then isn’t it immoral to force the parents to pay for an education that they morally object to. And, then by extension, isn’t it immoral for the State to force anyone to pay for a service that they object to.

If the State is my agent to whom I empower to act on my behalf, I can not give it powers that I don’t have. If all men are endowed by their Creator with the same rights that I have, then no one has a right that I don’t have. So if I can’t do it, then no amount of adding others, like me, doesn’t give the State any different power then I would have acting alone.

I can’t force some one’s child to go to my school, then the State can’t force parents to do it.

I can’t force you to give me money even if I call it taxes, neither can the State.

It is all just immoral. As well as being ineffective, inefficient, and just wrong.

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