MONEY: Alternative Minimum Tax to hit 23M taxpayers. Here’s one way to a flat tax.

Bill Clinton’s AMT Bomb
Why millions in the middle class may see their tax bill explode.
Friday, February 23, 2007 12:01 a.m. ESTtitle

***Begin Quote***

As tax season nears, Democrats in Congress are discovering they have an urgent political bomb to defuse–the alternative minimum tax. The AMT already hits four million Americans, and without new legislation this year it will explode in the pocketbooks of 23 million taxpayers come April 15, 2008.

***End Quote***

What you don’t want to pay “your fair share” “for the children”?

We don’t need “tax reform”. The Fed will just inflate everyone into a straight no deductions one sizes fits all tax.


And, what part of “I don’t consent” does the gooferment gang of thugs not understand?

3 thoughts on “MONEY: Alternative Minimum Tax to hit 23M taxpayers. Here’s one way to a flat tax.

  1. It’s probably unfair to blame it on Clinton. After all he did have 534 co-conspirators. But, President’s have to sign it, so I guess if you have blame the one final name on the dotted line. Good for you about paying less. I don’t think you should have to pay anything at all. If gooferment provides a valuable service, then you should be willing to voluntarily pay for those services. As far wall street is concerned, if I could explain it, I’d be a psychic.


  2. What I poorly written argument. It is clear that it’s just a Clinton/Democrat bashing article. I yes, I would rather pay higher taxes for the kind of stability and progress that Clinton brought with him.

    First hand, I am middle class and I just finished doing my taxes on, and I’m paying about 20% less this year than last. Explain that wall street.


  3. There is something we can do.

    Learn about the FairTax grassroots reform effort and join us. There is legislation in Congress to abolish the tax code and replace it with a tax on consumption.

    Go to, read the section called “What can I do?” sign a petition and tell your congressman you want the FairTax.

    Better to light a candle than curse the darkness.


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