MONEY: What can a senior citizen plan on?

Women’s Personal 46 Things I Wish My Mom Taught Me About Money

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Don’t Count on Social Security.  By the time the tail-end of the baby-boomers retire in about 25 years (the last of this generation was born in 1968), there isn’t a very good chance that social security will be paying out as much as we have paid in.  A solid back-up plan, like a tax-deferred IRA or 401K will help to keep you from living in a shelter.

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Not a lot of gubamint promises that one can count on. I’m not so sure that the money itself will be the same. Inflation kills senior citizens. It literally eviscerates their savings, their pensions, and their Social Security checks. Don’t make me laugh about the SSI cost of living adjustments. The gubamint has figured how not to trigger those protections.

So planning is a challenge!

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