FUNY: Retrieving WW2 tank … looks like muddy fun

Russian Tank Recovered from the Lake After 50 Years Been There
Category: Other, Exclusive, History, Photos, Technology, Video |
WW-II Trophy tank
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14 September 2000, a Komatsu D375A-2 pulled an abandoned tank from its archival tomb under the bottom of a lake near Johvi, Estonia. The Soviet-built T34/76A tank had been resting at the bottom of the lake for 56 years. According to its specifications, it’s a 27-tonne machine with a top speed of 53km/h.

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I think this was neat. Neat project, careful engineering (lest you wind up with MisamishuiKowawahatsee in the lake as well), AND they got the engine running in a few minutes!!! I think that was the most surprising report.

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