RANT: Citizen versus the Cop. Cop gets help from Chief. And, it all goes south from there. imho


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Tammy Grimes, founder of Dogs Deserve Better, was arrested September 11, 2006 for helping a dying chained dog named Doogie who could not stand in East Freedom, Pennsylvania. Below are the details of the case, with photo and video documentation.

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Guess who own the abused dog?

Yup, a cop!

Now I am no PETA type. Nor, do automatically take sides.

Assuming that what is reported is true. Then, IMHO, there is official misconduct.

Plus aren’t we told that people, who abuse animals, usually move up to people.

(I thought NJ had the monopoly on that!)

I think this needs some “sunshine”. And, a few people need to seek gainful employment in other that Policing. The Chief, the Cop, the Animal Control Officer, the DA, and any one else who thinks this is OK!

Never mind dogs. People deserve better. Instead of interviewing McSleezey, Oprah need to get involved here.

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