LIBERTY: What is “gubamint”?

The “gubamint” is the oppressive government.

It’s the logical sum of all government at all the levels. It includes the bureaucracy that serves it. As well as all the things that it creates, usually to hide in plain sight, like the NGOs, the Fed, and the cartels it “recognizes”.

It’s the patriot’s pejorative term for the federal leviathan, huge bloated states, and nosey intrusive local governments that have far exceeded their Constitutional limits. It’s that regulating rule-making taxing gang that can always find a way to screw you, and goes out of their way to do so. Backed up by the SWAT team, it “rules” us with force. It’s the complete opposite of freedom and liberty. It’s the thing that the dead old white guys were so afraid of. Remember that genocide goes hand-in-hand with gubamint. It’s the ultimate expression of force.

It’s guestimated that one in four people work directly for gubamint, or are dependent upon it. That includes those that suckle at the gubamint teat, like the military – industrial complex, the “government school construction” industry, and the “political / legal” consulting industry. And, doesn’t count but doesn’t ignore all those dupes, sheep people (i.e., sheeple), who draw a “welfare” check (like “social security”).

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