LIBERT: A “ceasefire” ain’t a good solution.

I commented at:

Specifically to the cease fire concept.

As with most hard questions, the truth is somewhere hard to find. A cease fire, while laudible in saving lives, settles nothing. A pause allows BOTH side time to regroup, reorg, and resupply. There is something to be said for knock down drag out fight that ends when one says “uncle”. At least something gets settled.

Perhaps, as the Egypt Israeli Six Day showed the way, it can lead to “peace”. As we see from WW1, the “armistice” (a glorified cease fire), setup WW2 and it’s abuses. Whereas McArthur’s unconditional surrender, led to Japan being our “buddy”.

For my own policy, I say the US policy should be MYOB. Stay out of other people’s fights. A lot of the problems there are due in a large part to America’s almost-random interventionist policy. First we like Sadam, then we topple him. Taliban good to oppose the USSR, bad when we don’t need them.

Free trade with everyone; troops stay at the water’s edge.

And, it’s “your paper” run it as you see fit. Anyone who doesn’t like it should set up a competing effor and see how easy it is. In this country, we seem to have a lot of Monday Morning Quarterbacks. To them I say “quit griping and do something about it”! When I have had enough, I won’t subscribe any more. That’s the American way. The free marketplace. Where everyone gets to vote with their pocketbook!

P.S. I still have a gripe with the use of the word “democracy” as anb ideal. Democracy is two wolves and lamb voting on what’s for dinner. A republic means that everyone has INALIENABLE RIGHTS! Let’s be worthy of what those dead old white guys created for us. “A repulic if you can keep it!” We haven’t done so well since 1860. And it’s really gone down hill since 1913. And lately, it been dropping like rock in a well.

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