RANT: “The homeless”

Could it be possible but by the government assuming the role of “charity” that they have created a problem?

First, government has increased its size at the expense of individual charity, the family, the Churches, the fraternal organizations, and a civil society in general. Letting government grow is bad. Putting the “post office” in charge of helping human being with serious needs and problems is absurd.

Second, the Acton Institute hosts a page on “effective compassion” http://www.acton.org/publicat/books/transformwelfare/olasky.html “Effective Compassion: Seven Principles from a Century Ago” by Marvin Olasky where he convinced me that this type of government program is a disaster.

Third, the government takes by force of arms my taxes for all sorts of drivel. If that wasn’t wrong enough, in and of itself, it deprives me of the funds that I could use to fund what I judge to be effective compassion for the less fortunate. For more than a decade, I have made modest monthly contributions to HomeFrontNJ http://www.homefrontnj.org/ because I know the lady who runs it. This is one woman who is “thriftier” with a buck than Frau Reinke considering my annual technology budget. I know how she litterally battles the Trenton social establishment to free these poor souls. So if my taxes went down 10% then I could and probably would contribute more. My taxes keep going up!

AND, it displaces the organizations who could be helping. By making government bigger, it forces the Churches to the sidelines. It absorbs the money in tazes that people would have contributed to churches. It’s a viscious cycle. Remember that dollars into washington, trenton, newbrunswick, or southbrunswick seats of government come out the other side as pennies worth of “services”! My particular favorite is when we pay taxes to washington, washington gives grants to trenton, trenton gives grants to newbrunswick, newbrunswick gives grants to southbrunswick, and southbrunswick repaves my street! I’d have been better off burning my money in a bonfire on the lawn!

Now you knwo why I procrastinate. It deprives the tax collector or more to steal!



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