GOVEROTRAGEOUS: Didn’t work then; doesn’t work now!

TIL that in response to rising wages as the Black Death led to a shortage of workers, King Edward III of England passed the rather draconian ‘Statute of Labourers’ in 1351 that made requesting or offering higher wages than pre-pandemic levels an imprisonable offence.

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Wage and Price Controls in 1351?

When will politicians and bureaucrats learn that the “Laws” of Economics are as immutable as the “Laws” of Physics.  That’s why they are called “laws” and not “suggestions”.



POLITICAL: WW2 wage and price controls cause today’s problems

Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Time to cut employers out of the healthcare loop
Daniel Froomkin asks one of the right questions in the wake of yesterday’s ruling in the Hobby Lobby case: “Why should employers have anything to do with people’s health insurance anyway?”

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I, for once, agree.

I would say why should Gooferment or its corporations be in charge of “health”, “health care”, “health care insurance”, or something else?

Look at “life insurance”. “Cheap”, easily available, and virtually unregulated.

Even “car insurance” is relatively the same when compared to “health insurance”.

When you think about it, the current “system” comes from the WW2 wage and price controls. There, the Gooferment, created the problem and “they” keep “rescuing” us from the problem they created.

Could we at least consider an alternative?

If the problem was “uninsured”, (which I dispute), then could “we” NOT bought every uninsured person a policy and avoided the financial and systematic débâcle that was Obamacare?

I think that you liberals think that only the Gooferment can solve “problems”. When in actuality, it causes the problem it seek to proclaim it’s solving.

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