TINFOILHAT: Does covid tax cause blood clot in young men?


Young Colorado man reluctantly took covid jab to travel and had to undergo emergency surgery, after multiple blood clots formed in his leg
Sunday, July 17, 2022 by: Lance D Johnson

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Morticians sound the alarm on fully-vaccinated corpses presenting “suspicious clots” during embalming

A brave Alabama mortician named Richard Hirschman went public in a February 2022 interview about the large blood clots that were coming out of the fully-vaccinated deceased after they are embalmed. He reports that a new type of “white fibrous material” is coming out of the arteries of the dead bodies. This material does not present as a normal blood clot.

In January of 2022, Hirschman found these “suspicious clots” in 37 of the 57 embalming jobs he conducted. He said he knew of fifteen other morticians who were finding the same strange clots, but were afraid to report on it. His reports are corroborated by other morticians, including Mr. Cary Watkins of Alabama, Ms. Anna Foster of Missouri, and other anonymous morticians who have since come to the independent media to speak out.

Over the same time period, a British mortician named John O’Looney reported a “500-600% increase” in death for people below age thirty, and he said that nearly all the deaths are caused by these strange new blood clots. These blood clots are predominantly occurring in fully-vaccinated individuals who were told that their lives could go back to normal if they just complied.

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If the Gooferment FDA and CDC weren’t captured by Big Pharma maybe someone could investigate these claims.

#endthecdc #endthefda #breakupBigPharma


TINFOILHAT: A cover up at Palo Alto Commons? And, possibly elsewhere!


9 elderly jabbed –> 6 dead at Palo Alto Commons?

  • I need your help to verify this incredible story. I heard it from a reliable source who knows one of the family members of the deceased. It’s not the kind of story you joke about. PAC won’t talk.

Steve Kirsch

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Recently, I heard an incredible story of vaccine injury that is a stunning example of why the vaccine isn’t safe for anyone, no matter how young or old you are:

Nine residents of Palo Alto Commons were given the jab and less than 1 week later, six were dead.

One of the dead was a former Federal Judge: Joan Stevenson Brennan Passell, but there was no obituary I could find. You can call up the public records office and, if you have a name, you can verify the deceased which I will do tomorrow.

I reached out to Palo Alto Commons, but nobody would comment. They all referred me to the Palo Alto Commons Executive Director Li Li:

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This is now getting into the possible “Conspiracy Theory” region of the True / False meter.  I’m surprised that given the amount of personal injury lawyers advertising on TV that lawsuits are not being filed all over the Nation. Where’s an Erin Brokovitch when she’s needed.

There’s just too many healthy athletes dropping dead to be a “coincidence”.

Where are the autopsies? 

