DISCOURAGING: Bad human behavior endangers wildlife


‘Love locks’ over Grand Canyon are harming national park’s wildlife, rangers say
By Chris Oberholtz, FOX Weather 
Published Oct. 14, 2023, 6:38 a.m. ET

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“Condors are curious animals and, much like a small child, will investigate strange things they come across with their mouths,” they added.

The largest flying land birds in the Western Hemisphere also have an affinity for shiny objects, such as coins, metal keys and wrappers, which they could ingest if found in the canyon.

“Condors are not meant to digest metal and many times cannot pass these objects,” parks rangers said.

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It’s called LITTERING. 

And unlike Japan, people seem to think that being slobs or just inconsiderate is perfectly acceptable behavior.


I have no solution other than not doing anything like that myself.
