LIBERTY: Destroying the “deep state” should be job 1 for any freedom lover

The Next President Must Prioritize Destroying the Deep State
Opinion Jonathan Bronitsky, Co-Founder, ATHOS
On 8/10/22 at 6:30 AM EDT

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At CPAC in Dallas this past weekend, former President Donald Trump asserted that a “key priority for the next Congress and the next president will be to drain the swamp, once and for all.” Then, reiterating a point made in a keynote address to the America First Policy Institute last month, he specified that Congress “should pass groundbreaking reform empowering the president to ensure that any federal employee who is corrupt, incompetent, or unnecessary for the job can be told, ‘You’re fired.'”

Such legislation would essentially formalize and strengthen President Trump’s Executive Order 13957, which President Joe Biden rescinded during his first week in office. But there’s a problem: The chance of even a Republican-controlled Congress carrying out this type of reform is close to zero.

You see, Congress itself created—and, indeed, has since protected and bolstered—the Deep State, so there’s little reason to believe it would now reverse course and eliminate it. A few decades ago, members of the legislative branch began delegating their constitutional lawmaking authority to the myriad federal agencies that constitute the executive branch. (Incidentally, no one knows the exact number of entities that make up the branch. The best estimate is somewhere around 400. Four-hundred!)

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It seems clear to me that until the “Deep State” is neutered, none of us can be free.

Hopefully. “We, The Sheeple” will be outraged at the politicization of the the various three letter agencies (TLAs) that run our lives.

One can only hope.


RANT: Biden kills “union funds transparency”

President Biden Sides Against Union Rank-and-File
By James Sherk  April 15, 2022

James Sherk is the director of the Center for American Freedom at
the America First Policy Institute. He previously served as a special
assistant to the president in the Domestic Policy Council at the White
House during the Trump administration.

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Of course, siding against workers is not the best look politically.

Neither is shutting down transparency.

The Biden Administration understandably rolled back the transparency regulation very quietly. Biden’s Labor Department killed the rule without fanfare on December 30 — the day before the New Year’s Eve holiday, when most union members and the press enjoyed Christmas vacations. 

President Biden proclaims himself “the most pro-union President leading the most pro-union administration in history.” He is actually leading the most pro-union boss administration in history. As UAW members can attest, those are not the same thing.

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I missed this one and, of course, so did “the Fourth Estate” aka the Gooferment’s house propaganda arm.

I would think that there must be a ton of Federal and State laws broken.

And, I would think there would also be a slew of pissed off union workers.
