SURVIVAL:A shirtless hiker who went missing gets very lucky imho

Hiker found alive after 10 days lost in California mountains reveals how he survived
  •     Lukas McClish, 34, was found alive in the Big Basin Redwoods State Park
  •     He had set off for a three-hour hike, and wound up getting lost for 10 days 
By Melissa Koenig For Dailymail.Com and Martin Robinson, Chief Reporter
Published: 20:25 EDT, 23 June 2024 | Updated: 08:05 EDT, 24 June 2024
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A shirtless hiker who went missing in remote California mountains has been found alive after 10 days after he vanished – saying he surviving drinking water from his boot and eating wild berries.  
Lukas McClish, 34, didn’t tell anyone where he was going when he set off on a three-hour walk through the Big Basin Redwoods State Park in Boulder Creek on June 11.
He planned to visit some rare granite outcroppings in the area.
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​An “experienced hiker”? 
Maybe a lucky fool who overestimated his skills.  Going on a hike without telling anyone where and no supplies?
</sarcasm> … Hell, I won’t go to the local McDonalds without telling someone where I’m going. .. <sarcasm/>
Seriously, I really wonder about people’s intelligence level and sanity.When I was in USAF survival school, we were taught to “plan to be lost”.  And we were in a national forest in Idaho.  And, you can really feel “lost” in a forest and disoriented very quickly.  A proper compass, topological map, and proper “survival” kit is essential for a good outcome.
Never mind that he was unarmed in cougar country.  
And, btw, who pays for his rescue?  It would seem that the Big Basin Redwoods State Park would see “rescue insurance” to everyone to defray the cost of reducing the unprepared.