DISCOURAGING: Christianity died by its own flaw


Posted on June 21, 2024
The Future of Christianity
Jared Taylor, American Renaissance, June 21, 2024

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Will it help save white people?

Christianity is dying in the West. The religion that, for centuries, defined Europeans is increasingly becoming a Third-World religion. What does this mean for white people?

This is the article got me wondering: “Hundreds of Scottish churches up for sale as UK turns away from Christianity.”

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It was killed by its own hand — pedophilia priests.  And the Secular Progressive Gooferment used that to force “christianity” to accept all sorts of perversion.  People didn’t leave the Church; the “Church” left the people.  When the Church failed to fight Gooferment Skrules, it basically gave up the future.  Instead of insisting that Gooferment had no role in “education” uncovering the real reason for its interest  — Gooferment jobs and get the venue to dumb down the future citizens pushing the propaganda that the Gooferment is the “solution” to every problem.  Instead of fighting for religious freedom, the Churches all knuckled under probably blackmailed by the pedophilia charge.

Interesting that we still don’t have Epstein’s Client List that could subject the Gooferment to its own criminal behavior!
