VETERANS: A “national draft” should be permanently taken off the legislative radar

Feds Propose National Draft

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Yeah, I know it’s Alex Jones.  And, yes, he’s the nation’s stopped clock.  


I remember Charley Rangel introducing draft legislation annually as a an anti-poor anti-black reminder of the evils of a “draft”.

You’d think that the anti-slavery amendment would cover it, but obviously not.

And, vets especially should have strong opinions about “old men sending young men to die”.

It’s time that “We, The Sheeple” recognize that the MIC (military industrial conspiracy) uses “the military” as a cash cow.  And that it’s the ultimate “jobs” welfare program.

Time to put the squeeze on this boondoggle.

Yes, we need a small professional military to defend the nation if needed.  We don’t need the current monstrosity.

Remember the Dead Old White Guys were dead set against a Federal Army, but not a Navy.  Let’s return to their wisdom,

Anyone who has seen the movie Glory knows that in the Civil War (that was not so “civil” and more about Northern Aggression against the South) the army was raised by the States.  And that immigrants fresh off the boat enlisted for the wages.

Let’s return the “army” to the States and shrink the Federal Welfare rolls.

Start by ending any possibility of the draft.


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