ECONOMICS: DJT needs to embrace the chainsaw revolution also

In Argentina, Milei’s exhilarating chainsaw revolution is underway
by Jeff Jacoby The Boston Globe
May 19, 2024

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Through it all, Milei keeps “making the argument,” as Matthew Lynn wrote recently in The Telegraph. Underneath his brash style he is committed to serious economic and philosophical ideas —about free markets, individual liberty, and a smaller state. Like the economics professor he was for 20 years, he wants people to understand the case he makes for the efficacy of competition and the harms caused by overbearing governments. Everywhere politicians are addicted to subsidies, price controls, deficit spending, and corporate welfare. It is exhilarating to see a national leader who has a radically different vision and champions it unapologetically.

Jeff Jacoby is a columnist for The Boston Globe.

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One an only hope that this catches on with “We, The Sheeple”.  “Soft landing” might be possible if we get rid of all the mochers, parasitic politicians, and useless bureaucrats!
