TINFOILHAT: Questioning was 9/11 a real “OPERATION NORTHWOODS”


A ‘KENNEDY’ vs a ‘BUSH’, what is the difference? Did one blink? If OPERATION NORTHWOODS was REAL, that the DoD, US government considered flying airplanes into buildings, civilian in 1962 to take out Fidel, against American and civilian targets, then did the DoD, US government actually do it for 911? John Kennedy told them fuck off when they gave him the plan for approval, we need to know when documents are unsealed, all discussions Bush had. 

Dr. Paul Alexander

May 18, 2024

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Is a Kennedy different to a Bush? Did one blink? Who did what? What actually happened on 911? We still do not know except that 3000 people died escaping the towers and that someone, some people, some entities, something, took down the towers…what? was it really the planes? the fuel? the fire? or explosives? what really happened? Trump said on 911 the planes could not. Operation Northwoods tells us to believe anything could have happened and approved by people you THINK are there to protect and serve your best interests, and things in your wildest dreams that you would have said NOWAY…I say, YES, way!!! 

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I’m not sure that we will ever really “know” the truth.

The intact passport and WTC7 make me suspect that this is NOT what we are told it was.

The Gooferment is immoral, ineffective, and inefficient. As well as untrustworthy. 

Nothing I have seen or heard makes me think otherwise.
