GOVEROTRAGEOUS: I’m for abolishing ALL foreign aid by the Gooferment; remember CARE packages, I do
Why Not Abolish All Foreign Aid? – LewRockwell
By Jacob G. Hornberger

*** begin quote ***

Here is the alternative: Abolish all foreign aid to every regime, including the Israeli government. Moreover, abolish the taxes that fund foreign aid. Then leave Americans free to donate their money to Israel or anyone else in the world.

Wouldn’t that be a more just system? Wouldn’t that system be more consistent with the principles of individual liberty, personal responsibility, and voluntary charity? Don’t care and compassion come only from the willing heart of the individual and not from than the coercive apparatus of the tax system, the brutal and tyrannical agency that enforces it, and the federal agency that distributes the loot?

Reprinted with permission from The Future of Freedom Foundation.

*** end quote ***

Ron Paul says to cut foreign aid to all countries, even to Israel, because it essentially takes money from the poor in the U.S. and is given to the rich in poor countries.

I remember post WW2 when real people sent CARE packages to war torn Europe.

Let “real people” contribute “foreign aid” when they see fit in ways they see fit.  I like “DONOR SEE” for the way real people can help real people without force or fraud.

OxFam and other such charities are good ways to do it.

Just nothing with the Gooferment, the UN, or other NGO’s .

