POLITICAL: Voting for crime?


Retail Theft Ring Busts Reveal Some Hard Truths
By John F. Di Leo

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Los Angeles County Sheriff Department detectives proudly announced a complex and successful sting this week. 

A retail theft ring has been caught red-handed, with millions of dollars’ worth of make-up, perfume, pharmaceuticals, and more, stolen from stores in and around California, much of it still bearing store tags.  

Product has been recovered; at least a dozen locations have been revealed. Multiple fences have been identified, with eight arrests announced at the start, and likely more to follow. They will prove that shoplifting rings were organized to hit the stores that had what the fences wanted – from pharmacies like CVS to big box stores like Walmart.

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One of the hallmarks of today’s progressive prosecutors – the many Soros-funded district attorneys of cities and counties like Los Angeles – is the public declaration that police resources are too valuable, and capitalist retailers too unimportant and undeserving of protection, to waste time on prosecuting “minor crimes” like retail theft valued under some arbitrary figure of $800 or $1,000. This position has always been shameful and indefensible, but is all the more so in light of organized theft rings like the one in today’s news. 

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If the police are doing their jobs and the criminals are back on the street before they finish the paperwork then why are we surprised as crime wipes out society.

When we “vote” for these politicians and bureaucrats, then we are accepting the moral decline of our country.

Murders get a slap ion the wrist and thieves get a free pass.

It is the voters fault!
