RANT: DWI should be severely punished WHEN there is a victim

Under current law, first-time offenders can lose their license for three months to a year, while second-time offenders can lose it for two years. A third offense can result in a license suspension of 10 years.


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IT would seem that everyone is pandering.

Many of the DWIs that I have heard about are more “technical violations” (i.e., fellow in his driveway not going anywhere or been anywhere; checkpoint stops; lost driver on the side of the road).

I’d suggest that DWI without damage or victim, isn’t a crime.

I’d suggest that in today’s economy, those convicted have to drive to work.

I’d suggest that this is more about a cash grab then safety or changing behavior.

If it was “SOOoooo dangerous”, my generation would have been dead a long time ago.

Too frequently, I read about multiple offenders getting arrested again.

Too frequently, I read about “police” in accidents with no penalty. (Unless they kill themselves) Where the thin bluw line protects them.

Too frequently, I read about the bereaved family members advocating draconian penalties. While I am sympathetic to their loss, that’s not how to make policy.

Drive drunk and kill some one, you go away forever. (I feel the same way about murderers. No death penalty.)

Hurt someone or damage property, severe penalties. Restitution!

All the other “technical violations” are victimless.


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