HARDWARE: Bond multiple internet connections

Carrier grade capabilities coming down to high end user price levels.

It’s easily now in the SMB range. Won’t be long before it’s in SOHO.

Bond 4g, 3g, cable / fios, cell phone bandwidth together.

Never dreamed of in the old days.


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Introducing SimplyBonding from 3Gstore
3Gstore is thrilled to announce our new hosting service that allows you to bond multiple internet connections with minimal equipment and easy setup: SimplyBonding. Unlike failover or load balancing, a bonded connection takes multiple internet connections and COMBINES them. The resulting connection is both faster and more reliable: if you have 3 internet connections that are bonded together and one goes down, your connected devices and apps will never know there was a failure – even apps that maintain persistent connections!

Video: SimplyBonding Unbreakable Internet

What is bonding?

When businesses need a more reliable internet connection, they often turn to Failover or Load Balancing, features familiar to many users and available on a variety of consumer and enterprise grade routers. Failover routers have the ability to switch over to a secondary connection when one internet connection goes down, but you lose the connection during the switchover (and again when the primary connection comes up again and it switches back), and failover doesn’t help with connection speeds. Load Balancing routers split the traffic load amongst multiple internet connections, but they do not aid in reliability or increase speed. Failover and load balancing are useful features, but they are NOT the same as bonding.
A bonded connection takes multiple internet connections and COMBINES them to create a faster and more reliable stream. The concept of bonding (AKA aggregating) internet connections has been around for years, but it has historically been prohibitively expensive and very complicated to deploy and manage. SimplyBonding solves both of those problems!

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