POLITICAL: Liberalism is emotion. Conservatism is faith. Libertarianism is reason.


Location: NA
Party: Libertarian
Reply #: 10
Date: Feb. 8, 2008 – 10:38 PM EST updated

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Liberalism is emotion. Conservatism is faith. Libertarianism is reason.

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I think this is an excellent formulation for as far as it goes.

There’s a few isms that it misses.

Socialism is envy. Fascism is cruel madmen in charge.

And, I’m not sure what ism where have here in current day USA.

Maybe it’s “corporatism” where the Gooferment is in an incestuous relationship with Big Corporations?

The welfare-warfare state. The FDA “regulates” Big Pharma. The Department of Eddycation and the Teacher’s Union ensure that we’re last in the world in academic achievement. And the FCC and Hollywood ensure that morality never gets a positive show with ever more perverse “entertainment”. And, “Law Enforcement” that is corrupt to “protect and serve” the State.

Very interesting. Is this what happened to Rome?

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