MONEY: what’s your “hobby”?

List of hobbies
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

***Begin Quote***

* 1 Amateur science related
* 2 Animal-related
* 3 Arts and crafts
* 4 Collecting
* 5 Computer-related
* 6 Cooking
* 7 DIY (Do It Yourself)
* 8 Electronics
* 9 Film-making
* 10 Games
* 11 Gardening
* 12 Historical reenactment
* 13 Interactive fiction
* 14 Internet-based hobbies
* 15 Literature
* 16 Model (scale model) building
* 17 Music
* 18 Observation
* 19 Outdoor/nature activities
* 20 Performing arts
* 21 Photography
* 22 Sports or other physical activities
* 23 Toys of some sophistication
* 24 Transportation

***End Quote***

For those who follow my model for future success:

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(6) a free time hobby that generates income;

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So what’s your “hobby”?

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