TECH SERVICE: Purchased MLB Game Downloads ?

If You Purchased MLB Game Downloads Before 2006, Your Discs/Files Are Now Useless; MLB Has Stolen Your $$$ And Claims “No Refunds”

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2nd Update: Baseball Think Factory has publicized the discussion.

Update: Just got off the phone with a MLB customer service supervisor.

“MLB no longer supports the DDS system” that it once used and so any CDs with downloaded games on them “are no good. They will not work with the current system.”

Great. Just effing great. … As I told the supervisor, this is right in line with how wrong-headed and stupid and ass backwards MLB does everything.

I was told there is absolutely nothing MLB can do about these lost games. Plus, they said my purchases were all “one-time sales” and thus “there are no refunds”.

No refunds? As Lee Elia would say: “My ******* ass!”

My info has been submitted to some other MLB department which will review things and see what they can do about either getting me the games I paid for or refunding my $280.45.

So if you have downloaded any games prior to 2006, get those discs out and try to watch them … then call MLB at 866-800-1275 and demand they refund your money.

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Hence, my policy, no drm ever. Period. No excuse. No way; no how!

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One thought on “TECH SERVICE: Purchased MLB Game Downloads ?

  1. For what it’s worth, I had a similarly frustrating experience with and was told they wouldn’t do anything for me. Like you they forwarded my information to some other mysterious credit department.

    Though I could never find out a status from them, about 2 weeks later I received a complete refund of my dispute (no letter, no apology, no explaination, but the credit appeared on my Visa) so hopefully they will at a minimum do the same for you.



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