LIBERTY: Micro-Finance as opposed to gubamint handouts

Micro-Finance: A Way Out of Poverty
by Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D.
Senior Fellow in Economics

***Begin Quote***

Since those early beginnings, Yunus and the Grameen Bank have financed literally millions of small projects. A $50 loan allows a woman to buy chickens so she can sell eggs. As the chickens multiply, she has more eggs to sell. Eventually she can sell the chicks as well. The New York Times reported on one woman in India who started with a $50 loan and a 20-chicken farm. She now has $2,000 in borrowing power, a huge sum for her community. Overall, 98 percent of loans are repaid.

***End Quote***

gubamint! How could it possibly succeed?

Freedom. Honesty is inherent in the human condition. It’s in the genes.

We can beat poverty!

There will still be poor people, but there will be prosperous poor people.

And, no government overhead. No government graft. Just peaceful markets.

One thought on “LIBERTY: Micro-Finance as opposed to gubamint handouts

  1. It sounds really, really good. But remember that dominance by a few and even dishonesty for gain ALSO appear to be in the human genome or in every historical human community, so beware of utopianism.


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