LIBERTY: “market failure” … … and only the gubamint can save us!

Socialist Water
by John Taddeo
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According to the City of Cleveland’s Division of Water, a man by the name of Benhu Johnson started a water delivery company in 1810. He would deliver 2 barrels of Lake Erie water to your home for 25 cents. They go on to say that others started water companies but none were able to handle the development of a water works for an entire city. Therefore, government had to step in and fix the problem. This is the classic “market failure” argument that is used to justify government action. Now since government maintains a monopoly on water distribution, we will never see what alternatives the free market can deliver. However, we can compare it to another utility that is much less regulated: cellular telephone service.
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Ahh, yes, the old market failure argument. Interesting that there is never a “government failure” argument.

Take schools for instance. The gubamint runs the schools lock, stock, and barrel. The output is defective. Children come out dumb as stumps at best or with heads filled dumb ideas (i.e., the gubamint knows best; global warming is a fact; business is bad; and how to put on a condom). Yet we never discuss alternatives to the gubamint skool failure. Why is that?

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