LIBERTY: The Acton think tank nails half the problem with the minimum wage increase.

Acton Commentary
– bringing moral reflection to bear upon current issues
August 2, 2006
The ‘Moral’ Minimum Wage Increase Hurts Teens and Minorities
by Anthony B. Bradley, Research Fellow

**Begin Quote***

Religious activists are stumping for a minimum wage increase as a way to help the disadvantaged. But do they understand the economics? Anthony Bradley observes that government-mandated pay hikes “actually hurt teens and low-skilled minorities in the long run because minimum wage jobs are usually entry-level positions filled by employees with limited work experience and few job skills.”
***End Quote***

I’ve ranted about this before. The Republican Statists are just trying anything to avoid being defeated in November. So they try and make themselves more like the Democratic Statist. Guess the figure you won’t be able to tell them apart.

The article misses the impact on the politican’s salaries, the gubamint workers’ salaries, the union members’ salaries, and such related since they will all go up in lock step with the minimum wage. Then when all those added costs come due, there will have to be additional taxes to close the budget gaps that they created. Or, if it’s the federal gubamint’s cost we’re talking about they will just raise the inflation tax we pay to cover the gap.

They know we are too dumb to realize it.

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