RANT: Once again Im forced to agree with Piers Morgan — trans athletes deserve tehir own category


It’s time to stop the unfair, unequal madness of trans athletes destroying women’s sports
By Piers Morgan
Published May 20, 2024
Updated May 20, 2024, 1:17 p.m. ET

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It was like watching Usain Bolt compete in the women’s 200 meters and annihilating current world champion Shericka Jackson.

He’s run it in 19.19 seconds, while Jackson’s fastest time is 21.41, over two seconds slower.

That’s not because Bolt is a “better” runner, it’s because he has a bigger, stronger, faster male biology, which is why the sexes are separated in athletics.

And that’s why it’s so unfair for trans athletes to compete against women.

World Athletics has already concluded this and barred them, but many lower-level US sports bodies have been shamefully slow to follow.


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Sorry, but it is essential unfair to have men compete against women in athletics.

Unless we handicap them like in horse racing … 


As much as I hate to agree with Piers, when he is right, he is right.

Seems so simple.
