POLITICAL: Gooferment “infringements” are a feature; not a bug


State Intervention and Anarchy
By Wanjiru Njoya Mises.org
May 17, 2024

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In Against the State, Lew Rockwell emphasizes that the assault on our liberties from the state is not merely “the product of temporary malfunctions. To the contrary, the state is by nature evil.” Rockwell shows that the state is founded on coercion and maintains its power by use of force.

In recent years, following the rise of environmentalism, public health “safetyism,” and the war against “hate,” state interventions have encroached even further into private and family life. Against the State shows that these interventions are not only coercive but also antihuman in prioritizing their goals above human life. A striking example of this was the lockdown policy of closing schools and playgrounds, on the basis that children are resilient and so there is no reason why the state should not keep them under house arrest for several months of their lives.

Another example is the prioritization of the needs of the socialized medicine behemoths such as the United Kingdom’s cultish National Health Service: the British journalist Sherelle Jacobs comments that “with NHS spending now more than that for education, transport, the Home Office and defense put together, Britain is arguably now merely a health service with a state attached.” Similarly, in Canada, private healthcare is banned, and citizens struggling to cope with life are offered state assistance in killing themselves.

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As we all should know the Gooferment, its politicians and bureaucrats, as well as its accomplices (i.e., the media presstitures, the rich entitled, the celebrities, and the identiarians) are immoral, ineffective, and inefficient. As well as untrustworthy.

Hence, all we can do is be in what I’ll call “Always resist” mode.

There is no other way that to be a “stainless steel rat” a la James Bolivar diGriz, alias “Slippery Jim” and “The Stainless Steel Rat” — a fictional character and a series of comic science fiction novels written by Harry Harrison.

Just find your way thru the maze and never be fooled by the platitudes and preachings of these evil people.

Remember FDR’s “policies” lead to the improvishment of generations and millions of deaths in WW2 and beyond.

