POLITICAL: How can anyone dispute any “elections are stolen” claim?


Arizona GOP files lawsuit over more than 500,000 ‘unaccounted-for voters on the rolls’
By Washington Examiner Staff  — June 5, 2024 7:10 am

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“Accurate voter rolls are the bedrock of our constitutional republic,” said Gina Swoboda, Chair of the Arizona Republican Party. “The rampant presence of ineligible voters on our rolls is unacceptable and undermines the trust Arizonans place in our electoral process.” 

According to the lawsuit, research into the state’s voter rolls discovered that Arizona has between 500,000 to 1.27 million invalid registrations, including deceased people and those who have left the state. Additionally, some counties were found to have “outrageous voter registration rates,” with some having a total list of voter names that exceeded “100% of eligible voters.”

“The AZGOP and the Arizona Free Enterprise Club are demanding the immediate implementation of an effective voter list maintenance program to comply with NVRA mandates,” read a statement posted on the X account for the Republican Party of Arizona. 

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As far as I am concerned the Conspiracy Theory that “the election in <insert favorite political jurisdiction> was stolen” by its very assertion I deem as “Category 1  —  Generally Accepted As True”.  I don’t care if it’s asserted by DJT, Hillary, any D, any R, any L, or just some random loon on the street.  I treat it as true.

Until these type of voter fraud are reported as factually inaccurate, my default is that ALL elections are suspect and rigged.



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