DISCOURAGING: Addicted to Sports Gambling? Does NOT sound like a good trend


Alex Shephard
April 3, 2024
Bad Bets

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Our Entire Society Is Becoming Addicted to Sports Gambling

Athletes are being caught in scandals, yes, but the bigger scandal is that the ease and prevalence of betting is driving a huge rise in addiction—and neither the leagues nor our politicians care.

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Whenever I watch professional sports on TV, I’m always dumbfounded when I see online gambling sites as sponsors of the NFL, NBA, and MLB. If I remember my sports history correctly, we used to keep a significant distance between sports leagues and gambling to avoid scandals like the 1919 “Black Sox.” In this article, Alex Shephard argues that a partnership between professional sports and gambling has given rise to an even bigger scandal than thrown games: a huge rise in gambling addiction, particularly among young men. We’re already seeing an increase in bankruptcy and relationship problems due to online gambling. I suspect we’ll be reading more about the problems of online sports betting in the coming years. 

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I too see all the ads and know that someone is paying for the advertisements.  And they are not cheap.  And not run by someone with innocent motivations.

That’s all you need to know to see where this is going!


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